The Days of Wind

Oil on Canvas, 200x120cm, 2019

On windy days, We struggle to steer the bow against the gusts. Raising our hands, gripping the ropes tightly, we hoist the sail like a prayer to the deities of the sea, asking the wind to carry us toward the shores of our dreams : where flowers bloom everywhere, where people are kind at heart, where the sun shines generously. The waves rise, shimmering and layering over each other, extending endlessly, tiling the vast ocean. They signal the coming of a great tide, a ritual for the birth of new life. With the ever-changing waves, seagulls become scattered notes, soaring up and down, composing a cantata difficult to decipher... And so, we sing out loud, pulling the ropes and raising the sail this windy day…

Oil on Canvas, 200x120cm, 2019

The Days of Wind