L’Arte “parlata” da Emilio Campanella - inpodcast Cen Long

“Thomas Mann, the renowned 20th-century German writer, once remarked that Nietzsche,Schopenhauer, and Wagner were the greatest influences on his worldview; they were his three navigational stars ...
Source|Notizie Cultura Gaiaitalia com|Podcast
Cen Long – The Constellations. A Venezia fino al 24 novembre

“CEN LONG (1957) membro dell’Associazione degli Artisti Cinesi e partecipante attivo al Movimento Cinquantacinque è riconosciuto per il suo approccio artistico caratterizzato da una pennellata semplice e al tempo stesso ...
Author | Newsroom
Line Today - Interpreting the Power within Paintings through Contextual Curation Han Art Space showcased "Starry Sky—Cen Long and His Art" at the Church of St. John in Malta.

“Han Art Space has long been committed to presenting the most fundamental aspects of art—truth, goodness, and beauty. Through carefully curated exhibitions, the gallery shares the profound ...
Author | Wong Yushan
Interpreting the Power within Paintings through Contextual Curation Han Art Space showcased "Starry Sky—Cen Long and His Art" at the Church of St. John in Malta.

“Han Art Space has long been committed to presenting the most fundamental aspects of art—truth, goodness, and beauty. Through carefully curated exhibitions, the gallery shares the profound connotations of artworks ...
Author | Wong Yushan
Cen Long – The Constellations

“La mostra “Cen Long: The Constellations” è la prima mostra in Italia che vede l’artista come protagonista.Nato a Canton (Cina) nel mio 1957, Cen Long è una personalità particolare ...
Author | Artribune
San Giovanni di Malta - The Constellations: Cen Long + His Works

“Cen Long’s newest collection shown during the 58. Venice Biennale and curated by Metra Lin creates a divine and approachable atmosphere through the works of Cen Long combining profound artworks and ...
Author | Newsroom

“Cen Long's newest collection shown during the 58. Venice Biennale and curated by Metra Lin creates a divine and approachable atmosphere through the works of Cen Long combining profound artworks and the solemn beauty of ...
Author | Newsroom
The Poetry of Life - Han Art Space's "Starry Sky—Cen Long and His Art

“La persistente ricerca della verità, della bellezza, e della bella, e soprattutto preziosa, apparenza ha dato continui cambiamenti avvenuti nel mondo. L’Artista Cen Long ha dedicato decenni a “scavare” i significati ed ...
Author | Oluo
Cen Long: "I love Taiwan; it makes me feel freedom and love."

“Huangyuan Construction curated a heavyweight art exhibition in August, showcasing 15 oil paintings by Chinese artist Cen Long at the new project "Huangyuan Yubao" in the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. ...
Author | Zhang Shi-ya
Discovering the Simple Art that Moves Life — Interview with Lin Xuanhan, Head of Han Art

“Born in China in 1957 and having spent part of his childhood in France, Cen Long actively participated in the transformative movement of 1980s Chinese art known as the "85 New Wave." Like many contemporary Chinese artists ...
Author | Li Yi-yi